Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Program (RWSSP)

The project was conceived and identified in 1988-89. Its preparation process was initiated in late 1989. The documents of PC-1 and Staff Appraisal Report were produced in early 1991. The project was one part of the umbrella project principally financed by the International Development Association (IDA). Under the umbrella project the other two parts were of the provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan. Major emphasis of the AJK part of the project was focused on the community based rural water supply and related services. About 74% project cost estimates were for physical works comprising water supply schemes, school latrines and private household latrines. About 26% project cost estimates were earmarked for institutional development. Institutional development component was spread over incremental staffing of LG&RDD, training and logistic supports, community development including sanitation and hygiene education program and consultancy etc.

Project Details

Planned Implementation Period July 1990 to June1998
Actual Commencement Period July 1991 to June 2000
Original Cost 902.178 million PKR
Foreign Share 658.078 million PKR
GoAJK Share 244.100 million PKR
Actual Cost 1231.168 million PKR
Foreign Share 1105.561 million PKR
GoAJK Share 125.607 million PKR

The IDA conducted the mid-term review of the project in late 1995. The performance of the project was evaluated soon before its completion through the independent consultants. The evaluation report concluded that performance had been satisfactoryvis-à-vis the objective. The IDA did another evaluation of the project after completion of the project. The IDA has issued this report named the “Implementation Completion Report” (ICR) in February 2001, the ICR also rates LGRDD’s performance as being “Highly Satisfactory”. Overall performance of the AJK part stands prominent among other parts of the umbrella project.

Investment on Works

Districts Civil Works Eqpt. & Material Total Percentage
Muzaffarabad 23.093 206.568 229.661 23.61
Bagh 18.332 142.310 160.642 16.51
Poonch 18.503 122.196 140.699 14.46
Sudhnoti 7.376 35.335 42.681 4.39
Kotli 24.994 167.873 192.867 19.83
Mirpur 52.960 78.918 131.878 13.56
Bhimber 27.805 46.531 74.336 7.64
Total 173.033 799.731 972.764 100

Water Supply Schemes Constructed under Project

Districts Planned Actual
No. of Schemes Population No of Schemes Population
Muzaffarabad 699 157900 489 304773
Bagh 255 130070 323 179279
Poonch 183 101130 237 111321
Sudhnoti 152 58970
Kotli 320 155870 292 192952
Mirpur 131 86690 77 119676
Bhimber 80 99503
Total 1588 631660 1650 825675

Sanitation Facilities Constructed under Project

Item No. of Latrines Remarks
Planned Actual
Demonstration 3200 988 Target was reduced to 1000
Household 9700 8756 Subsidy was discontinued
Total 12900 9744